Do you need help with microfluidic product development, or analytical chemistry-based troubleshooting? Or maybe with IP landscaping for your product or concept? Or perhaps with investment due-diligence for a tech start-up in your sights? You’ve come to the right place!! Please, read on …
HJC Consulting Inc. was founded by H. John Crabtree, Ph.D., P.Chem., PMP, owner and sole consultant. John has over three decades of experience relating to microfluidics- and analytical chemistry-based products & projects. Microfluidics (equivalently ‘lab-on-a-chip’, micro/miniaturised total analysis systems or µTAS) refers to the manipulation and analysis of fluids in sub-millimetre sized channels on glass, plastic or silicon chips. The company consults in these areas usually to corporate and government clients, primarily for product development, investment and business development needs. The company also acts as a subject matter expert for C-level executives/boards of directors, government agencies, corporate and university IP offices, law firms, etc.
Technical product development support is based on core scientific competences in:
- nano- and microfluidics (lab-on-a-chip, µTAS),
- microfabrication,
- separation science,
- medical devices & bio-assays,
- analytical instrument development, and
- analytical chemistry, generally.
Investment, IP and business development support is usually focussed on:
- examination of target company’s technology, IP and leadership team,
- intellectual property (IP) research/landscaping,
- market intelligence & research, and
- content creation for websites, blogs, e-books & social media streams for tech products.
HJC Consulting makes use of an extensive network of professional service providers and industrial/academic collaborators to complement its own expertise when appropriate. The company is well connected with a number of microfabrication partners using different materials and fabrication methods.
HJC Consulting is fully independent, beholden to no fabrication houses or other parties. It can thus provide truly unbiased recommendations as regards appropriate device materials, fabrication approaches, manufacturing partner(s), as well as acquisition target companies, market and IP research, content creation, etc.

HJC Consulting is a member and proud supporter of the Microfluidics Association, a non-profit organisation that acts to move the field of microfluidic products and product development forward by connecting major and minor players alike, discussing common issues and supporting efforts to standardise.
Please peruse the site and/or email for more information.